Monday, October 27, 2008

It's as miracle

Jordan and I went to see my dad yesterday and we were astonished at how well he was doing and how amazing he looked! It's as if he's woken up from a very long sleep.
I took a bunch of pictures so that our family from Mexico could see him, especially my grandma, since every time she calls, she cries and apologizes for not being able to be with him, I love her!
Well, my dad, might not need another eye surgery anymore, since his double vision is almost gone. Well, here they are.


Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

Ruth I'm so greatful that your father is getting better.

Jamie said...

He does look great Ruth. We are all very grateful. I saw you on the news!!!!! I'm so glad they did a follow up story on him, I think people need to know the consequences of some people's bad choices; like driving drunk. I hope he continues to get stronger and stronger:)

Hannah Stevenson said...

RUTH!!! He looks so great! I love the "thumbs up" picture! Oh I just love your dad...tell him we love him and that we will keep praying for him and to keep smiling! But it truly is a MIRACLE!

Cedric, Sarah, Scout, and Baxter Anderson said...

I love the last picture- it looks like he's dancing salsa!

Summer and Hunter said...

Yay!!! What a wonderful blessing. I surprised your family hasn't been translated already. Not like from Spanish to English, but from like earth to heaven :)

Britta and Julia said...

He looks really great! I am so happy for all of you! The Lord blesses us in so many ways, doesn't he?!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ruth como estas? sabes no me habia enterado de lo q le paso a tu papa. pero me da mucho gusto de todo corazon q este bien ya q veo q fue muy grave el accidente. Por favor dile q le mando muchos saludos y q espero q se recupere pronto. Gracias hasta pronto.