Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy b-day Rebeca, 1st Man-date, Sushi

Happy Birthday Rebeca!

This is Rebeca opening her gift from Grandma and Grandpa, she loved it (so did Massey)
A cute picture of Rebeca being happy on her birthday
Rebeca with her Tetris blocks she got. I liked this picture of Ruth, she has a very beautiful smile.

Massey and Rebeca love eachother, I wanted to take a picture when they were playing together and hugging eachother.

Playing in the park this last week. They were really good on these swings
Rebeca surprised me with her swinging ability
On Friday night, Ruth and I went on our first date in a while. We had been planning it for a week and Ruth had talked to a young mom in our complex that has watched the kids before so that she could come over and let us go out. So, Friday I swam with the kids for about 2 hours to get them really tired and we had them in bed by about 8:30pm. Then I went over to get the baby sitter and she had gone out with her friends!
We weren't sure what to do and our movie was about to start (we were going to watch Thor). Finally, Ruth suggested we call our friends, the Stocks, and she called Aimee but with no answer. So, then she said I had to call Brant (the husband) because I'm a man. I called Brant and he picked up and said it would be fine and he could come over and work on his laptop. In about 10 minutes there was a knock on the door and it was the whole Stock family, Aimee, Brant, little Dia and baby Joy.
It was great because they stayed and watched some movie on Netflix and Ruth and I were on our way to watch Thor but we were both hungry so we decided to eat instead. We were in the drive-thru at Burgerville and decided that sushi sounded really good! So we went to Hama Sushi on Sandy Blvd in downtown Portland and it was great

The Dragon Roll

The Caterpillar Roll

Me and Massey on our 1st (and hopefully not last) father/son man-date. We went and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 at the little theater in McMinniman's pub. It was really fun and Massey did really good and sat through the whole movie. Afterward, we went to McDonald's and got some ice cream. Ruth and Rebeca also went out to our friends farewell party (the Bateman fam- they're headed back up to Canada to start in a chiropractic practice up there). They had fun too. After we all got home, the kids went down pretty early and Ruth and I watched Unknown. It was alright.


Britta and Julia said...

Happy birthday to Rebeca!
Glad you two finally got to go out on a date. Also glad you and Massey got to go out on a "man-date". That's so good to start doing that now. Love the way Massey and Rebeca love each other so much!
Good jobs guys!

David and Mara said...

Ruthie I love your posts! Your kids are so adorable. Happy Birthday to Rebecca, I feel like such a bad Tia because I had totally forgot! I will send her a card. I updated my blog too, much it's still in progress. Okay I love you guys so much!!! The caterpillar Roll is my favorite!!