Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tulip Festival 2011

This year was our 2nd year going to the tulip festival in Woodburn Oregon. About 45 minutes South of Portland. We were starting to forget how beautiful Oregon can be, with all the rainfall we've been having.
We went on Saturday the 23rd of April (camera date is wrong), and had a great time. We took some family pictures and simply had a great time as a family. Here are some pictures to prove it.
An awesome dad carrying two tired kids who refused to walk
after only having walked for 2 hours.

This swing was made of a tire
Massey and Rebeca would not look at the camera. We tried about everything.

Massey being really cute to a few pretty Asian girls, who thought Massey was very handsome and asked to take a few pictures of him. It was hilarious!


Britta and Julia said...

Glad you had fun. Also, glad you remembered how beautiful Oregon could be...just remember you could be in the desert jk! Believe it or not I am starting to see a little beauty here myself.
Your kids are so cute!

Camille said...

I love that Massey would smile at the Asian girls, but not smile for the family pictures. All you had to do to get a good family picture would be, be Asian :)

We can't wait to play with you guys in July. We talk about it with Nigel every day!

Hannah said...

You are ALL so cute! Can't wait for everyone to play together soon. Jordo, congrats again on passing your boards! Love you.