Sunday, July 31, 2011

We got a new camera!

We finally got a new camera yesterday and we love it! We weren't sure what we wanted to do yesterday so we just cleaned up some stuff in the house and headed over to the distribution center because Ruth needed some new G's. While we were there, Ruth found an illustrated Book of Mormon manual in Spanish to read with the kids, she bought some garments, and I almost bought some candy but changed my mind at the last minute.
Then we went to Fry's because we decided that we could look for a new camera and as we were walking into the store some guy handed us a paper saying they would match any advertised price. While we were there, I saw a camera for $199 that I had seen in Costco the day before and I was pretty sure that it was much cheaper there. They lent me a computer to look it up and I found it for $179 on They were trying to work it through their computers (I don't think they had done that very much) and that gave me time to think. I thought I had seen it even cheaper then $179 so I told them and left (there were 3 people working on it, I felt a little bad leaving).
When we got to Costco, I was very happy and surprised to see the same camera for only $159! I love Costco!
Here are some pictures and videos from the camera.

Here's Massey and Rebeca doing what they love most, swimming in our pool.

This is Daniel Botteron with Massey. He is my deacon that always comes to church and scouts, usually with me. He lives right down the street and comes over about a half hour before meetings to get a ride. What a responsible kid.


Britta and Julia said...

Oh Jordan you're so good at getting those deals!
You're family was cute before but now with your new camera they're ever cuter!

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

what kind of camera was it? Jason and I are in the market for a new one.

David and Mara said...

Niice!!! You are good at getting deals. Way to go! I love your pictures.