Monday, March 8, 2010

Holy Guacamole.. Massey is two!

Massey turned two a couple of weeks ago and I still can't believe it. Jordan and I decided that every 4 years we're going to have a big party and by big, I mean a piñata, goody bags, and food for the grown ups like we did when he turned 1. So this year we had a small fiesta, we invited his friend Beca and Dia and we ate cake and ice-cream, just a fun little party.

When Massey woke up the day of his birthday, he woke up to a bunch of balloons that I blew up for him. I think I'm going to make that a tradition. Blow up balloons and put them in their bedroom. And as the kids get older, maybe we'll get helium balloon and we'll tie them to their bed, I don't know.

Tita and Tito sent him some money and we got him this cool book that has 4 of MY favorite movies. He had seen two of them and absolutely loves this book
I convinced him to be a cat for his birthday,
since he wanted to use my eye-liner to color
Some of our friends and Massey's friends.
Whitney and her daughter Beca. Aimee, Brant and their daughter Dia.

He got to open a few presents that he got. Grandma and Grandpa were also so nice and kind to send him some money for a very cool gift. He loves his puzzles, we haven't done the words yet but will soon. He's getting really good at putting together about 10 puzzle animals.
Thank you grandma and grandpa!

Oh and we got to skype with my parents and my siblings while we were singing happy birthday to Massey. Jordan is a genius for having a computer in the living room. I don't know how he comes up with those things. It was pretty cool. It was as if my whole family came for his birthday.


Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

Oh happy Birthday to Massey just wait till he turns four I was really emotional when Josh became a preschooler instead of my baby, but between you and me he will always be my baby. We also have Skype so sometime we can talk that would be fun.

Hannah Stevenson said...

Looks like it was a fun day. I love the balloon tradition idea.