Sunday, February 14, 2010

Massey and Rebeca love each other

This morning Massey was reading to his sister Rebeca and I wanted to take a picture of them. When I got out my camera, Massey must have understood he was about to have his picture taken and, like a good little model, struck a pose with Rebeca. Ruth and I thought that this would be a good post, enjoy!
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B. Greenburg said...

They are so cute! Rebeca is getting so big:)


Britta and Julia said...

A-dorable! That's such a great picture Ruth and Jordan!

sarah said...

love it!

Elder and Sister Anderson said...

That is a really nice picture of the kids. Good job, Ruth.
I'm going to try to print one.

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

Josh dose that with his brother too. Hope your family is well. Mine is getting back to being well. It's a slow process. Thanks for your comment about Josh.

Britta and Julia said...


Hannah Stevenson said...

I saw this when Jordan posted it on facebook or somewhere...anyway it is just perfect and after watching them play and read together it just confirms that Massey is such a good big brother.