Saturday, January 30, 2010

videos para la familia/fun home videos

Massey and his friend Beca.
Massey y su amiguita Beca

Massey reading to his sister
Massey le lee a su hermanita Rebequita

Massey's favorite toy= His sister
Rebequita= El juguete favorito de Massey


Britta and Julia said...

Ruth, You're such a good mom. Massey is so smart! How is potty training going?

Rachael said...

Massey and Rebecca will be best friends, they play so well together.

Hannah Stevenson said...

Jeff and I finally got to watch these. It was so fun and FUNNY! Massey is so smart and such a little character and Rebeca's giggle is SO CUTE! I wish so much we could live closer so all of our kids could play together. Oh least we have blogs! Love you guys.