Monday, January 11, 2010

Needs to be baptized

I probably should be posting about christmas, but I totally had to post these pictures.
Massey is no longer free of sins, check out these pictures and you will know what I mean.
Se que deberia de poner fotos de navidad, pero la verdad es, que TENIA que mostrar las fotos de Massey para que vieran que mi hijito querido ya no esta libre de pecados. Ya necesita ser bautizado, vean las fotos y sabran porque.

His deadly Hug
su abrazo mortal

Baby powder....ahhhhhhh
talco de bebe
yes, that would be permanent marker.
(I'm so thankful for the greatest invention ever, that would be, the magic eraser)
y claro con plumon permanente (que alivio es tener un limpiador magico a la mano)


Camille said...

I love his face in all these pictures!

Britta and Julia said...

I totally remember my kids first mischievious acts. In fact, I have a picture like the baby powder one. Except it had 2 boys and a LOT more powder. Good thing our kids are cute, huh?!

JKThomas said...

He is getting so big! I loved the hug picture because I can just picture her face of what is my brother doing!

Cedric Anderson said...

Has Rebbecca recovered? We love this post. It is so funny.

Rachael said...

You could almost forget that Massey was suffocating Rebeca, it kind of looks like they're taking a nap together.

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

I remember how I felt when Josh did that to my walls and bedding and pillows and anything that was near him at the time. I believe that Heavenly father gives mothers much needed patience because otherwise our kids would be black and blue.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.