Massey and his friend Beca.
Massey y su amiguita Beca
Massey reading to his sister
Massey le lee a su hermanita Rebequita
Massey's favorite toy= His sister
Rebequita= El juguete favorito de Massey
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Seaside and Astoria, Oregon
Well it's a new quarter for Jordan and our little family here in Portland. The first quarter was kind of hard, but everyone tells us that it gets better and that Jordan will be graduating in no time. I think this quarter will be better since I'm starting to realize that this is home now and I'm starting to see the great blessing this is for our family by creating memories that will last forever.
Well for MLK day, we decided to go to the beach. It was almost 60 degrees and we had an awesome time. These are some of the pictures we took.
Pues es un nuestro semestre escolar aqui en la ciudad de Portland, Oregon. El primer semestre fue algo dificul; sin embargo, ya nos estamos adaptando a nuestro nuevo hogar y vida lejos de la familia. Estamos creando bonitos recuerdos familiares y nuestra familia aunque esta chiquita aun, se esta fortaleciendo poco a poquito. Pues para el dia festivo de "Martin Luther King" , como no habia escuela para Jordan, decidimos irnos a la playa, ya que el clima iba a estar muy bonito, y estas son algunas fotos que tomamos.
Rebeca is getting so big and pretty. She's got such a cool temperament,
I think she's a lot like her dad. She's pretty laid back.
Rebequita esta creciendo bastante y se esta poniendo bien bonita.
Tiene un temperamento muy bonito y calmado como su papi.
We went to the Seaside, Oregon beach
Aqui estamos en la playa de Seaside
I wasn't going to post this video, since Jordan and I felt pretty bad after watching Massey get knocked over by a wave and we got most of it on video. It happened so fast. You have to watch it to understand what I mean. We're over it now, so I'm posting it. Massey was fine, he just got a little bit scared.
Este es un video que no ibamos a mostrar porque Jordan y yo nos sentiamos muy mal despues de ver a Massey ser tumbado por una ola del mar. Todo paso tan rapido y aunque estaba ahi cerquitas de el, y no habia peligro de que se lo llevara la ola, no podiamos creer que se hubiera caido y mojado todo. Solo nos dimos un susto al igual que el pobre de Massey. Ya se nos paso el susto asi que decidimos ponerlo.
I switched diaper bags at home and forgot Massey's extra change of clothes on top of the washer, so I found one of Rebeca's onesies and that's what Massey wore for a couple of hours, until we found a Ross store, where we bought him some pants that were on clearance. He didn't even care!
Pues como soy una madre medio olvidadiza y olvide el cambio extra de ropa de massey arriba de la lavadora. Tuvimos que ponerle una camisolita de Rebequita que encontre el la pañalera. Despues de encontrar una tienda de Ross, le compramos unos pantaloncitos que estaban en oferta y el pobre de Massey, ni en cuenta, miren lo feliz que esta!
After we bought some pants for Massey, we decided to drive to Astoria,
since it was less than a 1/2 hr away from the beach.
I saw this sign and I asked Jordan to turn around so we
could take a picture. People thought we were crazy.
Despues de comprarle unos pantaloncitos, decidimos seguir con nuestro viaje a una ciudad llamada Astoria, donde una pelicula llamada " the goonies" fue filmada, que ademas a Jordan le gusta. Mientras manejabamos, vimos este rotulo y decidimos bajarnos a tomarnos una foto. La gente de seguro penso que estamos un poco locos.
we drove across the Astoria bridge, and it was cool, but scary at the
same time, it didn't help that Jordan kept saying things like:
" what if there's an earthquake right now??"'
Este es el puente de Astoria, en el cual pasamos. A mi me dio un poco de miedo, en especial porque mi querido marido no dejaba de decir cosas como: imaginate si ahorita hay un temblor?
As many of you know the movie "the Goonies" was filmed in Astoria and Jordan was excited to find some of the places the movie shows. We couldn't find the little house, which is there, or the rock, but we'll try next time.
We saw the museum, where the dad works
Este edificio sale en la pelicula al igual que otros edificios; sin embargo, no pudimos encontrarlos, sera para la proxima.
There were lots of other cool buildings, it's a pretty neat city.
Realmente es un ciudad muy padre
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Christmas in Reno
Este año, pasamos un navidad muy especial, ya que además de ya no vivir en Reno y ver a nuestras familias después de 3 meses, tuvimos la oportunidad de tener a mucha familia de México con nosotros. Nos la pasamos de fiesta en fiesta ya que mi mama como siempre andaba de organizadora haciendo un chorro de fiestas familiares. Mi prima Anel a quien no veíamos después de muchos años, nos dio la sorpresa de venir con mi tía Anita, Elizabelita (a quien tampoco conocía el resto de la familia García) y mi abuelita María. Luego a los días, mi tío Juan Ramón y su familia nos dieron la sorpresa también. Mi papa tenía más de 15 años de no ver a su hermano, y por fin pudieron conocer a sus hijitos y a su dulce esposa Elizabeth. Realmente pasamos una navidad que nunca olvidaremos.
This year we had a wonderful time during Christmas because we not only got to see our families after 3 long months, but lots of family from Mexico came to visit. My mom had everyone pretty busy organizing party after party. My cousin Anel, whom we hadn’t seen after many, many years, came with my aunt Anita, my grandma Maria and my cousin Elizabeth. A few days after they arrived, my auncle Juan Ramon’s family flew in with HIS whole family. It was truly a wonderful surprise since; my dad hadn’t seen his brother in more than 15 years. We met his wonderful wife and their 3 beautiful kids. It was just awesome.
It was great seeing my sisters and brothers again and Massey was never clingy when we were at my mom' was like he didn't even care that I existed...Hmmm.. I wonder why.
It was seriously great being back.
Abuelita Garcia or Tita as Massey calls her, was so much fun.
Tito and uncle Javier
This is my parent's front step.
It was sooo snowy. Massey loved it!
We got to go with grandma and grandpa to their ward Christmas party,
it was really fun and the food was great.
My cousin Anel was obsessed with Rebeca, she just loved holding her.
I did not complain.
I seriously can't remember how many ""family home evenings"" my
parents had. I think my dad just loves making up excuses to have us all together, and when I say all together, I mean it. All the boyfriends and girlfriends even's so much fun, especially since I never had to entertain or hold my kids.
My brother David and his fiancée Talia
(he was going to propose today, I should call him and find out for sure)
We took family pictures
pictures with our grandmother and some of her grandchildren
pictures of us (all of my siblings)
We also went to Lake Tahoe to show my uncle and aunt the snow.
Their kids had never seeing actual snow and they had a great time
We went to IN-N-OUT burgers for lunch
My parents and my grandma with my uncle JuanRamon
And after lunch, Jordan, the kids and I, went to Rachael's house for dinner.
It was great hanging out with the Farnsworths. Caleb is so cute and so big. Massey like always, loved their big house and played pretty good with Caleb.
We tried playing games, but our kids weren't really cooperating,
so a few days later, we went on a double date and we went bowling without our kids!
Caleb has THE cutes laugh ever.
Jordan got to go shooting with his friends. Darin was in town and
On Christmas eve, Olivia made her traditional and very yummy potato soup and we had it for lunch, instead of dinner since we were going to go to my parents. It was very special...we even had a photographer come and take pictures of us...j/k
Later in the day, we headed over to my parents and had "lomo relleno" stuffed loin, which my mom makes every year for dinner. She fed an entire army...
The kids ate first.
...and then the adults. IT WAS GREAT!
The next morning, we opened presents at grandma and grandpa's house and Massey got his very own flashlight. He thought it was the coolest thing. Thank you grandma!
We seriously were spoiled with gifts this year. I wasn't expecting anything fancy this year since we didn't have much money for gifts. But, our families were so generous and gave us the best gifts ever!! Grandma and Grandpa, Tita and Tio and Micah and Camille. We love you so so very much and we cannot thank you enough for your generosity.
Daddy crocheted a lot for Christmas and even Rebeca got a little hat.
My sister and cousin Elizabeth came to spent the night at Stonehill on Christmas
day and we watched the "polar express" was so much fun.
My mom planned a ''little'' posada on saturday and it turned out to be a "big'' posada.
Everyone that she invited showed up + some friends of was lots of fun. My brother David planned a few games, there was lots, and lots, and lots of food.
Brother Bolingbroke brought his tubular bells and he did so great
teaching everybody how to play them.
We broke a piñata.. and there were ZERO
injuries...can you believe that??
AND FINALLY on new year's eve, I planned a quintuple date with my
siblings that are currently dating, which are most of them, except for my 10 and 12 year old sisters. We went ice-skating to downtown Reno. Everyone made it and it was a really fun night.
We flew back to Oregon the next morning at 8:15am. Sad...very very sad.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Needs to be baptized
I probably should be posting about christmas, but I totally had to post these pictures.
Massey is no longer free of sins, check out these pictures and you will know what I mean.
Se que deberia de poner fotos de navidad, pero la verdad es, que TENIA que mostrar las fotos de Massey para que vieran que mi hijito querido ya no esta libre de pecados. Ya necesita ser bautizado, vean las fotos y sabran porque.
Se que deberia de poner fotos de navidad, pero la verdad es, que TENIA que mostrar las fotos de Massey para que vieran que mi hijito querido ya no esta libre de pecados. Ya necesita ser bautizado, vean las fotos y sabran porque.
His deadly Hug
talco de bebe
yes, that would be permanent marker.
(I'm so thankful for the greatest invention ever, that would be, the magic eraser)
(I'm so thankful for the greatest invention ever, that would be, the magic eraser)
y claro con plumon permanente (que alivio es tener un limpiador magico a la mano)
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