Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time for Rebeca's blessing

Our daughter Rebeca was blessed on sunday September 6th at the Kings Row chapel and it was a wonderful day. Both of our families were able to come and we can't thank them enough for their love and support. Here are some pictures of this memorable day.
Este pasado domingo 6 de Septiembre, tuvimos la oportunidad de bendecir a nuestra hija Rebeca. Fue un dia muy memorable y especial ya que ambas de nuestras familias pudieron asistir, no hay palabras para expresar todo agradecimiento por su amor y apoyo. Aqui hay algunas de las fotos que tomamos.

1 comment:

Britta and Julia said...

What a good lookin' family. You guys are so cute. Rebeca is so beautiful. She looks so much like you, Ruth, but I also see a little of Massey in her too. Massey looks like such a little man with his suit on. So cute!