Well, on tuesday Jordan got a letter in the mail that said "congratulations on your acceptance to western states chiropractic college". So we're moving to Portland, Oregon. We're in the process of deciding whether Jordan should start in the fall or the winter semester. I still can't imagine living away from our families but I guess I'll find out in a few months. Congratulations Jordan!
Also, as many of you may already know, we're expecting our 2nd baby and even though this baby decided to come a few months early, we couldn't be happier. We're trying to stay positive and think of the future with optimism since we'll probably face some hard challenges later. It helps me so much that Jordan is such as happy husband and is always so positive, and has such a good sense of humor. Well, I'm currently 17 weeks and 5 days and in less than 3 weeks we'll get to find out the sex of the baby, everything seems to be good in there. Massey is also much better, he was sick with RSV and we were afraid he'd have to be hospitalized but he's a tough boy and is getting better. He's no longer contagious, he only has a little cough that should go away soon.
Well, this is it for now...this month has sure been a rough one, I can't wait till the spring.