Monday, June 30, 2008

A Day at Sand Harbor

Last month Nancy (she refuses to be called sister Carter), and my mom invited us to go to Sand Harbor for the day. It was so fun, because Massey got to see Lake Tahoe for the 1st time ever! My sisters were also so funny and cute. Anyways I totally had a great time.

El mes pasado fuimos con Nancy que es una gran amiga de la famila y simplemente se niega a que la llamemos Hermana Carter y quiere que le digamos "Nancy". En fin fuimos al famoso Lago Tahoe a una playita llamada "sand harbor" a pasar la tarde. Me diverti tanto porque Estercita y Raquelita son bien chistosas; tambien ,Massey por primera vez en su corta vida conocio un lago en vivo y a todo color!
Me, Raquelita and Elizabeth
Uncle Sam!!!
El tio Samuelito

The coolest mom in the whole world and her coolest friend
La mejor mama de este mundo y su super amigocha Nancy

Massey with apple sauce and sand on his face
Le di comer papilla y agarro arena on sus manitas y se tallo la carita

This was so funny. There was this cute squirrel that was trying to eat our food, and so Raquel tried to give it more food so that it wouldn't leave. It actually worked!
Raquelita encontro una ardillita y para que no se fuera trato de darle comida.
Fue bien chistoso.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just a bunch of fun pictures

I've posted a bunch of fun pictures that we took this past month. We're excited to go to the Dahl reunion in a couple of weeks, since there are still a few cousins Massey hasn't met. And just a quick update on us, Massey weighs 19 lbs and is 27 inches long. I've lost 35 lbs and believe that's all I'll lose nursing so I've started walking since I've still got a few pounds to lose, hope to lose them by the time baby #2 comes. Jordan started school again and is taking chemistry 122 at UNR. He works 3-9pm almost I MISS him like crazy. So I'm going to my mom's right now, because I'm feeling a bit lonely right now. Love everyone that reads this!
Estas son algunas fotos que hemos estado tomando este mes pasado. Tenemos tanta emocion de poder asistir a la reunion de la abuelita Dahl en unas semanas ya que hay varios primitos que aun no conocen a nuestro bien. Pues Massey pesa 8.64 kgs y mide 68.6 c ms. Yo ya baje al rededor de 16 kilos y me falta unos kilos mas es por eso que ya empeze a hacer ejercicio.
Espero pronto poder bajar esos kilitos de mas antes que el bebe #2 venga.

Massey eating rice cereal for the first time
comiendo papilla por 1ra vezEnjoying a hot afternoon at Stone Hill
disfrutando de una calurosa tarde en la casa de mis suegros "stone hill"
My cute boys
mis dos niñitos
Grandma Dahl visits Reno and meets Massey for the first time!
La abuelita de Jordan visito Reno por 1ra vez y conocio a Massey tambien

Massey is the official wood floor mop.
Olivia, you don' have to worry anymore about your floor being dirty every again
Massey es el trapeador oficial del piso de madera en la casa de mis suegros,
le encanta que lo pongamos en una cobija y lo atrastremos por todo el piso!

Happy Father's Day grandpa!
Feliz dia del Padre, Abuelito
At the park wearing his cute hat and me finally wearing his Snugli. That thing is great!
Fuimos al parque y le puse una cachuchita y yo finalmente decidi cargarlo en su "snugli". Esa cosa si que funciona.
A day with my cute sisters.
Esther was my photographer. Like always. Isn't she good?
Una tarde con mis hermanas. Estercita como siempre es mi fotografa
My two silly boys
una vez mas, mis dos niñitos

Wow! this is cool mom!
Que chilo mami!

First Sunday dinner at Stone Hill
La primera cena de domingo en la nueva casa de mis suegros
Jordan being a proud dad on a sunday morning
Jordan como siempre tan orgulloso de su hijo

This is what I wake up to every morning. I just love my bundle of joy.
Cada mañana, esto es lo que encuentro.