Thursday, March 20, 2008

A note of thanks

It has now been 3 weeks and 3 days since Massey was born, I must admit it has been a big change in both of our lives. It's taking some time to adjust but it's alright, it's one of those "good" changes. Massey is such a blessing and he's already teaching us how to be good parents; however, I didn't realized how tiring the job of a mom was. I must admit, that I now love my mom even more.
These last couple of days much has happened, events which have caused us both to reflect on our own lives and have made us realize of the wonderful life what we have. We couldn't be more blessed. We seriously have the best life we could possible have. I truly feel like I'm not allowed to complain. I look forward to the many life experience that await us and hope to have my mom's faith and courage to raise the family which Jordan and I now have.

Now...a quick update on Massey. He had his 3 week visit on Tuesday and I though many of you would enjoy knowing that he now weights 11 lbs 9 oz and is 22 3/4 inches long.
He's about the size of a 2-month old, the doctor said. He couldn't be any healthier!


Cedric, Sarah, Scout, and Baxter Anderson said...

wow! good to here he is growing and eating well.

Marielle said...

That's amazing how big he is already! He weighs more than Hadley and she is 5 months old! He is adorable and it's good to hear how parenthood is for you guys!
love, marielle

Thome Family said...

Hi Jordan and Ruth! When are you going to bring that baby into the office? I can't wait to see him!

Camille said...

Good job Ruth! Jordan too, but come on, we all know who carried that baby around and did the hard part during delivery :) He sounds beautiful! Nigel can't wait to meet him, hopefully before Massey catches up to him in size which could be any day!:)

Britta and Julia said...

Good job guys! Isn't it funny how parenthood truly changes. He sounds like he is a good, healthy, and strong little boy. That's how we like 'em. I can't wait to meet him. He's not quite as big as Dallin was at that age but close. Well, at 2 months Dallin was 15 lbs. 2 oz., the size of a 3 or 4 month old. Also the size of his second cousin who was almost a year.
Well, I love you guys! Keep the great work and just enjoy that baby, because they grow up way too fast.