Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rebeca starts walking

Massey and Rebeca were just playing around last night when all of the sudden Ruth got this on video. This is the first time that Rebeca has really taken steps on her own, so I would say that these are her first steps.


karlamsmith said...

Congratulations! She is a doll and boy, did she pick up quick!

Britta and Julia said...

Wow! That was awesome that she did it when you had your camera out. That's how Calvin learned too. I was filming the boys playing and Calvin was cruising along the coffee table and the table ended and Calvin kept on going. It was just as cool as how Rebeca did it. She's such a smart little girl.
And I didn't forget about Massey over there reading a spanish book. What a great bunch of kids you both are raising! Keep it up! Love you guys!

Britta and Julia said...

That was Britta, not Elsa. I don't know why it says "Elsa said"

Hannah Stevenson said...

What day was this? Just wondering if it was Friday cause that's the day Norah decided to walk for the first time!!! We were squealing like you...SO exciting! Massey is such a patient brother reading while Rebeca steps all over his book :)

She is SO adorable. I miss her sweet little face and those adorable squeezable legs! Congrats!!!

Camille said...

Congratulations Rebeca! My favorite part is your excitement Ruth. You're the best!

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

how that is awesome great timing on the camera. Eric is still loving speed crawling. He has no desire to walk. He can stand up in the middle of the room wave to you then gets down on all fours to get to you.

Marita said...

Haha, wow that is way cool!! Good job Rebequita!