Tuesday, June 23, 2009

5 more weeks to go!

I'm determined to post some pictures this week and update our forgotten blog. Our month of May was pretty busy and June has been too so far.
Just a quick update, I'm scheduled for the 27th of July to have this baby and feel totally not ready. Massey has gotten sick once a month since he turned a year in February, nothing too serious, and it feels like time is just flying by. We're also trying to pack as much as we can since we're pretty sure we'll be moving at the end of September to Portland. Jordan's work schedule should be changing pretty soon and he'll be able to come home a lot earlier, which means we should be able to get more stuff done. He's been working a lot lately which is truly a blessing, since we need to save as much as possible. We bought a car a few weeks ago and we love it!
We're excited for this new baby, and for everything that's about to happen in our family. We can't and shouldn't complain about our life, because we really are blessed.


Britta and Julia said...

You guys are truly blessings in our lives as well. I know how you feel about not feeling like your ready. I've been there. Good luck, and know that we love and pray for you.
P.S. What kind of car did you get?

Hannah Stevenson said...

We love you guys so much! Thinking of you Ruthie...you're so close!

Tara said...

Wow, your so close to being done. So Portland? How exciting. good luck with your move and next adventure, we miss you guys!