Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's a Girl!!

Well, it looks like we're having a girl!! Dr. Najima said she was 90% sure and we couldn't be happier. I still can't believe it, I can't imagine having a tiny little girl and a 17 month old at home 24/7.
We're very happy.


Thome Family said...


JKThomas said...

Congrats again! Me and my sister are only 17 months apart and we hated each other in middle school but other than that we seem to get along.

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

congratulations! you are a brave soul but you guys will do great with two kids.

Marshall said...

Congrats! Girls are so much fun!

Carolyn said...

Yeah! Congratulations - she'll be beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Felicitaciones! Estoy bien animada por uds. Y para hablar un poquito espanol. :) What fun you'll have with two little ones at home keeping you busy!

Hannah Stevenson said...

We are so excited for Norah to have a sweet little girl cousin to play with. Massey will be such a good big brother.

Devon and Alicia said...

Hooray! We are very excited for you!

The Sabatini Family said...


Cedric Anderson said...

Cool! Girls are cute!

Summer and Hunter said...

Ah, the joy of shopping for girls! I envy that! Congratulations!