DECEMBER 2022 will be an unforgettable month for our family.

Tia Marita and Uncle David come to visit us again but this time they bring Isaac and Felix. Ezra and Jacob loved having cousins their age to play all day. Tia Marita is really good at playing dress-up and the kids loved it so much.
We visited Valley of Fire and uncle David was so happy to have a chance to see it in person. The kids had so much fun running around and finding caves. Casaan also came with us and he was so happy being free.
Massey kept looking for opportunities to scare us.
We had a bomb dinner on Saturday and it was AMAZING!
Tia Marita helped me by being one of the presenters for the Emotional Resilience Night we had for a RS activity. We were so relieved to be done on Tuesday that we celebrated the rest of the week with fun stuff.
He decided he wanted to invite all the deacons from his quorum and make burgers from scratch, play games and watch a movie. He did it all and it was super super fun.
They played "kids against maturity" and they laughed and laughed.
I had so much fun seeing him laugh and be 13.
Massey is so special. He taught himself how to play the guitar and saved his own money to buy his first electric guitar from Br. Levanger who now is his guitar teacher. He is an amazing student and an incredible fast learner. Massey is currently the president in his quorum and his best friend is Kade Booker. We love this kid so much.