DECEMBER 2022 will be an unforgettable month for our family.
Raquel and Lucas finally tied the knot in Reno on December 17th and it was a wonderful weekend full of family and happy chaos. She requested that all her nieces and nephews sing "The Miracle", so we had a primary program practice at the church! It was crazy fun.
We had a Bachelor/Bachelorette/Family dinner at the Lemon Valley Chapel, all the boys talked about Raquel and Lucas' brother also spoke. It was very special and emotional.

Tia Marita feeling proud of her tall niece and nephew
They were married civilly at the Kings Row chapel by Lucas' dad on Saturday morning. A couple hrs later, we went to the temple for the sealing
The happy couple!
Our Entire family. Missing our sister Rebeca.
On this month, I was also appointed to the City Council in the city of North Las Vegas. Our new Mayor left a vacancy on the council when she ran for Mayor as she was previously councilwoman. I applied for the vacancy as well as many other community members. All applicants who interviewed were asked to speak in a special council meeting on Dec 14th. I invited friends and family because I thought it would be a great experience to watch. Jordan, all our kids, Janna Anderson, Jodie Johnson, Jenn Kennedy, Clint, Esther and Jacob (who in town for one day) all came to watch. The first nominee did not receive enough votes, and the 2nd nominee was me, and I received 3 votes from the 4 member council and I was appointed to represent Ward 2.
At the lobby at City Hall. Esther was so proud of me and she excited to take picture of us before I even got appointed.
Christmay Day in 2022 fell on a Sunday and it was so special, since we went to church at 9am and opened presents after church. Sister Higham performed a labor of love for our choir and made many corsages for our members to wear. We practiced for weeks at my house with sis. Iverson at the reins as our chorister and it was absolutely wonderful.