Well, I am no longer an unpaid working stay-home mom, I am literally supporting our family now, by working from home. Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to find the perfect job for us at this time. We have become apartment managers for a company called Bluestone & Hockley, since September 13th, 2010. We manage 55 units and our complex is called Greenwood Village. Here's the website if you're curious to see what they look like.
Greenwood Village ApartmentsI am finally starting to understand the many responsibilities of this job and our kids are adjusting to this big change. Jordan has been very supportive during these last 4 weeks and even though it's been a bit stressful at times we've managed just fine and are starting to enjoy it.
My heart is full of gratitude and love for our Heavenly Father as I think of the way He has been guiding us all this time. It was exactly a year ago after having moved to Oregon, so that Jordan could start chiropractic school, that our life started feeling settled and that our savings literally ran out. And as I have been contemplating all these things, I can't help thinking of the scripture that says"... where much is given much is required." A couple months ago I got called to be the 1st counselor in the YW presidency and Jordan has been in the YM presidency since last November and sometimes I wonder how we're doing it. But we are doing it and Heavenly Father helps us everyday and today is one of those days where I am simply grateful for his gracious help and love for us, the crazy Andersons. I do complain, and sometimes it feels like that's all I do, but then sometimes great things happens and that's all I can think of. I hope to remember this day and finish these next two years and couple months with a firmer testimony of the gospel and greater understanding of the plan of salvation.